Homebuilder Conference 2024
$ 199.00
The Homebuilder Conference is a two-day gathering centered around equipping men with the tools, knowledge and wisdom to build their homes and families on a solid foundation.
In a world and culture obsessed with home-improvement, renovation and restoration TV shows, join us for a weekend of learning how God wants men to lead their families to do an “extreme home makeover”, without necessarily ever picking up a hammer or nail.
Date of event: OCTOBER 26-27, 2024
Location: HOMESTEAD HALL at Hardison Mill in Columbia, TN
Speakers Joel Salatin, Rory Feek, Shawn Dougherty and Rory Groves will be sharing about
- Leading our families and our lives back to the home
- The Family Economy
- The role of husbandry on the farm and in the family
- The Family Table - bringing our food and our families back to the home. - Shawn Dougherty
- Building upon bedrock, instead of sinking sand
- Winning the war with technology for our children's minds and our family's attention
- Finding your purpose, and living a life of intention and dignity
- Creating a home and legacy that is worth passing down to future generations
If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to: rory@hardisonmill.com