Homemaker Conference 2024
$ 199.00
The Homemaker Conference is a two-day gathering for women to come together, share, and learn about the meaningful and fulfilling role of being a homemaker. Through discussions, workshops, and interactive sessions, attendees will learn and foster a supportive community while gaining a deeper understanding of God's original role for the homemaker.
Date of event: OCTOBER 19-20, 2024
Location: HOMESTEAD HALL at Hardison Mill in Columbia, TN
Topics covered will include bread making, canning and preserving, homeschooling, time management, meal planning, and the why behind being a homemaker, plus a time for music and reflection. Come join us in learning and sharing together. It will be an unforgettable weekend.
If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to: rebecca@hardisonmill.com
Get more information on the HOMEMAKER CONFERENCE page: HERE